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If you are looking for fame to define you then you will never be happy. There is a new way of expressing one's self and actually being able to contribute to the whole without sacrificing authenticity. What that way is varies from personal experience as it's all relative to how you interact with your environment and resources. Never chase after something for the image of it or because it appears to be a "greater life" than the one you are currently living. If you are an artist (as we all are on the stage of life) you need not use the old mechanisms that delude one into thinking they know what it's all about; you do not "need" to know anything to move effortlessly with your progression. What I mean by that is whatever perception you have in any given moment is exactly the one that is needed right then and there. If a higher one comes into order it is simply infinite intent. You may take the elements of what is "popular" now an reuse them in a manner that most reflects the highest wisdom of your being. We need not keep playing these games just because we feel is the only way to be successful in society. There are no rules to this and we sure as hell do not need to follow imaginary one's. We as artist can do and be everything ourselves and let everything come to us while simultaneously meeting it half way like a standing wave form. We can proactively be a constant contributing factor to our environment by living principles of a Higher Reality and by refusing to live by these programs, beliefs systems, limiting thought patterns, we are beyond linearity it is just a matter of us recognizing it and applying it into daily living through inner emphasis creates outer experience. Never go by world views or how it was done in the past as reference as to how you should be doing it. Throw out the fucking book and think on your toes; we can do our own interviews, create our own showcases, money is not a limiting factor unless you set that upon your own consciousness. We a greatness in living embodiments, let's begin to represent it!






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